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Saifutian Group's new milestone in information construction stimulates the company's surging momentum


With the rapid development of information technology, informatization construction has become a key way to improve corporate management efficiency, optimize business processes and enhance competitiveness. Saifutian Group actively carries out relevant action deployments, starting from the top-level structure, and fully promotes the group's informatization transformation construction.

In the past year, the group's informatization construction has also achieved significant results. The active participation of every employee is a key factor for the group's smooth advancement of informatization construction. The group also awards corresponding awards to advanced individuals who have made outstanding contributions, are dedicated to the community, and have outstanding performance during the implementation of information construction projects.

With the help of the deep integration of DingTalk platform and ERP system, Saifutian Group has now built a comprehensive information-based collaborative office system that integrates business processing, information sharing, communication and collaboration, breaking down departmental barriers and realizing cross-departmental work. The efficient collaboration has laid a solid information foundation for the group to move from a traditional management model to a modern and intelligent one. In the future, Saifutian Group will continue to increase its investment in informatization construction, strengthen the training and management of informatization talents, comprehensively improve the level of informatization, and lay a solid foundation for the efficient operation of the enterprise.