Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life
Photovoltaic green energy builds a better life

Home > SAFETY Industry > Photovoltaic Division

Photovoltaic Division

The Photovoltaic Business Unit of SAFETY Group was established in 2022 and currently has over 600 employees. Headquartered in Suzhou, it has two main production bases: Anhui Medalon Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. and Suzhou SAFETY New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Xuzhou Branch. We mainly produce P-type PERC and N-type TOPCon photovoltaic cells, with a focus on 182mm and 210mm size specifications. Anhui Mingguang Base mainly produces Topcon solar cells, with a total production capacity of 5GW. The Xuzhou base in Jiangsu mainly produces PERC solar cells, with a total production capacity of 1GW.

Base distribution
  • Anhui Mingguang Base
  • Xuzhou Base