Home > News Announcement > Green Building Division > 5.88MW! Self-developed and self-constructed, self-generated and self-used project: Safety Tian's Mingguang base in Anhui rooftop distributed photovoltaic system is successfully connected to the grid.

5.88MW! Self-developed and self-constructed, self-generated and self-used project: Safety Tian's Mingguang base in Anhui rooftop distributed photovoltaic system is successfully connected to the grid.


On August 1st, the 5.88MW rooftop distributed photovoltaic power generation project at the Anhui Mingguang base, which was independently invested in and operated by SAFETY, passed the acceptance smoothly and successfully achieved full-capacity grid connection and power generation.

The project fully embodies the industrial synergy advantages of SAFETY, forming a joint force at every stage of the project. The Green Building Business Department of SAFETY is responsible for independent research and construction, providing EPC design and construction general contracting support; the Photovoltaic Business Department uses its own products, providing high-efficiency N-type TOPCon photovoltaic cell products. After being connected to the grid, it will adopt the "self-generation for self-use, surplus electricity to the grid" model. It is expected to achieve an annual power generation of over 6.23 million kWh, with a cumulative power generation of 155.75 million kWh over 25 years, which is equivalent to saving 2,048 tons of standard coal, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 5,117 tons, and planting 280,000 trees, thus offering significant environmental benefits.

Green Building Leadership - Full Lifecycle Service

During the design phase, the Green Building Business Department of SAFETY closely followed the zero-carbon concept in various stages such as site survey, scheme design, and engineering management. Through design optimization of green building underlying logic, efficient use of clean energy and environmental protection materials, and effective supervision of energy consumption, the project achieved low carbon emissions throughout its lifecycle, building a green production system. During the construction phase, the project team managed the construction progress efficiently and treated the three different types of roofs in the project with different construction techniques. It took only three months to complete the entire process from design to grid connection.

1.TPO Roof: BIPV method is adopted to minimize the risk of roof leakage while maximizing the use efficiency of the roof and the installed capacity of photovoltaics.

2.Metal Roof: In conjunction with the original standing seam construction of the metal roof, metal clips are used for a simple and fast installation method without damaging the original metal roof panel

3.Concrete Roof: Concrete counterweights are used to obtain the best angle for the photovoltaic modules, improving the overall power generation of the photovoltaic power station

Quality Assurance - High-Efficiency N-type TOPCon Products

The photovoltaic modules used in this project are equipped with high-efficiency N-type TOPCon cells produced by SAFETY, which have significant technical advantages over traditional components, namely "high power generation, high efficiency, high bifaciality," and "low degradation, low temperature coefficient, low BOS, low LCOE." These advantages have been reliably verified in various project applications, bringing green energy supply to the base while maximizing economic value.


SAFETY has multiple professional class B qualifications in the power industry (new energy generation, power transmission engineering, power transformation engineering), general contracting qualifications for power engineering and mechanical and electrical engineering, and class A construction and design-construction general contracting qualifications. Relying on its own experience advantages in architectural design and construction management, SAFETY explores the "architectural design + photovoltaic" industrial path and business model through BIPV, providing enterprises with more professional full industry chain, full lifecycle comprehensive energy solutions and technical support.

The successful grid connection of this project is an important practice for SAFETY to actively help industrial and commercial enterprises achieve the "dual carbon" goals. In the future, SAFETY will continue to promote the implementation and application of green energy solutions with more advanced technology, a more professional team, and higher quality services, and continue to empower more industries to achieve green transformation and upgrading, and promote the green development of enterprises with clean energy.