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Gathering "new" strength to create a better future | Saifutian Group's first new employee training was successfully completed


In order to help new employees gain a deeper understanding of the company culture, speed up the trial period, and enhance their sense of identity and belonging to the company, on April 28, Saifutian Group launched its first new employee induction training activity. 17 new employees from the three major business units of the group, namely, steel cables, photovoltaics, and green buildings, participated in the training.

At the beginning of the training, the Planning Center led the new employees to visit the group exhibition hall. By systematically introducing the company's development, scale, brand and other information, the new employees had a more complete and in-depth understanding of Saifutian Group. At the same time, Gao Zhengkai, Director of the Wuxi Elevator Rope Business Unit of Steel Cable, Xie Fei, Deputy General Manager of Photovoltaic Suzhou, and Sun Di, Vice Chairman of Green Building Tongren, were invited to introduce the current industry development situation, company product business and future market goals of the three major business units of Saifutian Group to new employees from the perspective of Saifutian's steel cables, photovoltaics, and green buildings.

Finally, Fan Qing, Chairman of Saifutian Group, also expressed his expectations and encouragement for the new employees: As the company's first comprehensive and group training activity, it aims to establish a holistic view of the group for new employees, enhance their sense of corporate culture, and better integrate into the team, improve their collaboration ability and work efficiency. I hope that every new employee can carry their dreams and enthusiasm, always maintain curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and work hand in hand with the team on the Saifutian platform to write a wonderful chapter in life.

At the same time, in order to inject young blood into the group, Fan Qing also put forward four requirements for the future career planning of all new employees:

1. Clarify work task goals and maintain self-thinking ability At work, stay away from "flame-retardant people", transform "non-flammable people", get close to "igniting people", and strive to be "spontaneous people", avoid mechanical and repetitive work, actively think about the logic and methodology behind each task, clarify work goals and action standards, and improve work efficiency. 2. Don't be afraid of work pain points and difficulties, and explore the best solutions In the workplace, facing new and complex work tasks, don't rush to deny yourself, but uphold the fearless spirit of "facing difficulties head-on", not afraid of difficulties, and be brave to challenge, and strive to break through new ideas to solve problems and explore the best solutions. 3. Learn to report and review work, and improve personal business improvement Mastering efficient and accurate reporting skills and work review is a work ability that every workplace person should have. When reporting work to the leader, you should sort out the pros and cons in advance, focus on the key points, give results, and improve work efficiency; after completing each task, do a good job of summarizing and reviewing in a timely manner, so as to improve your own business capabilities. 4. Do a good job of work communication and sharing, and jointly seek team development At work, you must always maintain communication and exchanges with superiors and subordinates, and peers, actively break through information barriers, link the business sections of each business unit, and achieve consistent steps and common progress.

Gather "new" strength and create the future together