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Saifutian was awarded the "Genuine and Authentic Products" commitment enterprise certificate by Jiangsu Province!


On the afternoon of April 26, representatives of the Wire Rope Division of Saifutian Group attended the "World Intellectual Property Day" theme event in Xishan District, Wuxi City, exchanged views on the theme of "Dual Carbon + New Quality Productivity", and were awarded the Jiangsu Province "Genuine Goods" Commitment Enterprise Award.

The event was attended by Zhu Yu, former director of the Jiangsu Provincial Intellectual Property Office, Chen Shilin, deputy director of the Protection Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Intellectual Property Office, Wang Ying, deputy director of the Wuxi Intellectual Property Office, Lu Xiaobo, deputy mayor of Xishan District People's Government, Wang Haitao, director of the Intellectual Property Protection Department of Wuxi Municipal Market Supervision Administration, and Zhou Jiamo, director of Xishan District Market Supervision Administration (Intellectual Property Office). More than 160 people from relevant departments of Xishan District, development zones, business districts, towns (streets), and outstanding entrepreneurs attended the event.

Finally, Fan Qing, Chairman of Saifutian Group, also expressed his expectations and encouragement for the new employees: As the company's first comprehensive and group training activity, it aims to establish a holistic view of the group for new employees, enhance their sense of corporate culture, and better integrate into the team, improve their collaboration ability and work efficiency. I hope that every new employee can carry their dreams and enthusiasm, always maintain curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and work hand in hand with the team on the Saifutian platform to write a wonderful chapter of life.

Dual Carbon + New Quality Productivity

As a leader in the field of steel cables, Saifutian has drafted the "Technical Specifications for Green Design Product Evaluation" and the "Group Standard for Elevator Steel Wire Ropes", and incorporated the concept of life cycle assessment into the product development stage, and improved the environmental performance of product design through digital means. Many products have been rated as famous brands in Jiangsu Province and famous trademarks in Jiangsu Province, and elevator wire rope products have won the "Jiangsu Boutique" certification.

The Jiangsu Province "Genuine and Authentic" Commitment Enterprise Award is a recognition of the quality of Saifutian products, and it is also Saifutian's commitment to all customers. In the future, Saifutian will uphold its original intention and firmly rely on product research and development to create more possibilities and more new achievements for the development of new quality productivity in accordance with local conditions and the comprehensive implementation of the "dual carbon" development strategy.